Since my last post Twirl has been up and running for 8 months and it's been fantastic! It's been challenging of course as I've navigating through all the ins and outs of owning a business and learning lots along the way. I'm continual amazed that every time I think it's not going to be that good of a month or sales haven't been great we have a fantastic day or online sales pick up - it reminds me that God is good and faithful and that His hand is in this business. We have big goals for 2015 and hope that we continue to meet and serve new women along the way!
At home our kiddos are just growing and changing. I'm amazed at how fast Preston has grown into a toddler and it makes me really sad lots of times. We are praying for a third child and I trust that God will provide that in the right time but my heart longs for another baby to love and sometimes that makes having Preston grow so quickly even harder. Lily is in preschool and absolutely loves it - she has made new friends, learned how to write her name, learned new numbers and letters, and become quite the little artist. She still loves to sing and dance and put on a show for any and everyone that's willing to watch! She's also in dance this year at National Dance Academy where she goes once a week and her class is half tap, half ballet. She loves it and the small class has really allowed her to learn lots - it's so fun to watch her! As for Preston he is at home with me all the time and he is a ball of energy. He makes us laugh every single day and has the biggest smile of any 2 year old you've ever seen. He's definitely entered the terrible 2's and has begun to test our limits a little more each day. He loves all things boy - trucks, tractors, trains, books, wrestling, tackling, basketball and football - oh the fun!
Jimmy and I are going on a kid free trip to the Bahamas in just a few weeks and are definitely looking forward to that time alone, and warmer weather. We are looking forward to another year, a fresh start, and have some new "goals" that go along with that. So as a start to this year I thought I'd document our goals once again since it is a tradition of ours.
Family Goals
- Be an active family
- Spend one on one time with each of our kids by taking them on special outings at least every other month.
- Take a trip to Colorado at least once this year
- Take a family camping trip this summer
- Take 2 kid free weekend trips away this year
- Become involved in the church we choose
My Goals
- Focus on me this year - fitness and weight loss
- Grow my business by 25% this year
- Be more intentional during my time at home with the kids
- Give Jimmy uninterrupted time every day
- Date Jimmy intentionally - meaning at least twice a month we have a date night with good meaningful conversation, figure out how I can better serve him, and grow spiritually with him this year.
So that's how we're starting the year this year. I feel like the underlying goal to everything I want to focus on and improve this year is intentional. I want to be more intentional in the relationships I'm in - my marriage, as a mom, as a daughter, as a sister, as a friend. The relationships I have at this point in my life are meaningful and important to me and that takes time and investment. I know I can't be perfect but I know I can be better, and I know that with God's help and faithfulness I will grow this year, and I hope you do too!