Sunday, December 16, 2012

3 months

Mr Preston turned 3 months this past week and once again time is simply passing too quickly!

Our little man is such a happy happy baby. He continues to be a laid back happy little guy that loves you to just look at him and smiles, smiles, smiles. He is cooing and laughing and brings us such joy.

He is growing like a weed - I don't have a weight or length for his month but I know he is continuing to grow. He is now in 3-6M and 6M clothes. He eats every 3 hours or so and gets about half breast milk and half formula. He continues to be quite gassy and spits up after almost every feeding. He hasn't lost much, if any of his hair, but still has more on the sides than on the top:) We chuckle at his hair because it kind of makes him look like a little old man - a cute little old man at that!

Other new things this month - he sucks his hands, he holds on to blankets and is starting to reach for toys. He recognizes voices and people from across the room now and it melts my heart when he hears it and just smiles.

James Preston -
You bring much joy to our family little man. It's so hard to imagine our lives without you already. Your little smile and coo's make my day and I enjoy spending all my days with you and your big sister. May you always always know how much you are loved and cherished by us.
We love you!

And as you can see he's already getting hard to get a picture of sitting still!

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