Wednesday, February 13, 2013

5 months

Preston is now 5 months old and he's growing and developing by leaps and bounds!

According to our home scale he weighs 18.6lbs and I can tell he's grown in length as well as all the sudden all his pants seem too short. He's wearing mostly 3-6M and 6M clothes however, I have gotten out a few 6-9M stuff and they fit him too.

He's napping pretty regularly now. He wakes up between 6-6:30am and then usually takes a little 30 min nap around 8am. He takes an hour or so nap at 10am and then lays down for a few hours in the afternoon around 1pm. He usually takes another short 30 min or so nap around dinner time, 5:30-6pm each night too before his bedtime of 8-8:30pm. He's eating every 3-4 hours except for during the night which is every 5-6. He's a good sleeper, for the most part, and for that I am extremely thankful!

New things for him this month are: the lovely rice cereal - which he doesn't really like so I rarely give it to him, lots and lots of laughing, he is trying so hard to sit up on his own and almost has it, sleeping in his crib, more of a regular napping schedule, he constantly is putting his hands up to touch your face - so precious!, his first plane ride, his first time getting the flu and a cold - boo!, he is getting much more active with his hands - grabbing everything in site, whether you want him to or not, is VERY interested in food, and is obsessed with his Sophie toy!

It's been so fun to really watch him and Lily's relationship develop as well. Just this last month I've noticed that he looks for her often and he always smiles when she comes near him - which often times is followed by a cry because she is still learning how to be gentle!

I don't think words can describe how much this little guy means to me. He brings SO much joy to my day and his smile literally melts my heart. Anywhere we go people comment on how smiley he is, what a happy baby he is and/or how cute he is! He really is just the best baby and I absolutely adore him!

And of course sissy had to get in on a few and the last one little man trying to get loose :)

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