Tuesday, February 26, 2013


In T minus 38 days me and the hubs will be sitting on the beaches of Cancun sipping margaritas (well one of us will be) and enjoying the sunshine! We are headed on a kid free 6 day vaca to sunny all inclusive, adults only, resort in Cancun called Live Aqua and I'm not sure I could be any more excited.

When we got married we made a plan to have at least one get away a year - even if it was just a quick weekend away and then when we had kiddos we really wanted to ensure we did this. Since our honeymoon we haven't been on a beach vacation without kids. Last year we went to St Pete, FL but we brought Lily along so the beach with a 10/11 month old isn't exactly my idea of a relaxing vacation :) Although fun, of course, not much for romance or relaxation. Last year our alone trip was to Galena, IL and it was lots of fun - Galena is a nice get away for something close and that's the only time we've actually left Lily over night! Which means we, of course, haven't left Preston alone at all.

We are a family that definitely wants to show our kids different parts of the country and teach them about different parts of the world and cultures, however we also know how important it is to invest in our marriage and take time for just the two of us. We haven't had a lot of alone time in our marriage as we are approaching our 3rd wedding anniversary in March and already have 2 kiddos! However, I wouldn't have it any other way - we knew we wanted kids soon into our marriage and I truly believe they are one of God's greatest blessings. All that being said, I am going to enjoy this time with Jimmy, away from our kiddos, soaking up the sun and reconnecting as a couple. The count down is on.

And I made my first beach ready purchase this weekend.....I couldn't resist these Michael Kors beauties! Aren't they fab?! I sure think so!


  1. Sooooo jealous of the vacay and the shoes! :) So happy that you guys are able to do that! Matt and I are already planning our trip for next year! :)

  2. I am so jealous too, it sounds absolutely wonderful! And the shoes are great! :)
