Monday, July 15, 2013

10 months

Seems like I just wrote Preston's 9 month post, oh wait I did because I was late on it :)

Well Friday Preston turned 10 months old and it absolutely blows my mind to think that he is almost 1! Being a second child and the summertime it seems like time is just flying by! But he's 10 months old and becoming more fun every day!

Not sure about his weight and height for this month but I'm going to guess he hasn't grown much since his 9 month appointment since it was a few weeks late. He was 21ish lbs and maybe 30 inches?! Something like that anyways - he's a good size boy, not too chunky anymore now that he's moving like crazy but he's long! He's wearing 12M clothing and some 12-18M stuff. I'm just starting to realize now that he's moving more that I should probably be putting shoes on him :)

He is eating pretty much everything we eat with the obvious omissions of nuts, fish, milk, and some fruit but he's a great eater. Likes most anything and usually eats more than Lily! He has just 3-4 bottles a day and it's kinda nice buying less formula!

New things for him this month is his second tooth has popped through on the bottom, he says the words "Lily" and "ball", he now crawls on all 4's but still army crawls alot too :), he can climb up the entire flight of stairs (with one of us close behind), and he is pulling himself up and walking around everything. 

He is such a little sweetie and I love him to pieces. He's my little snuggler in the morning time just after he wakes up, he's my guaranteed slobbery kiss several times a day, and he has a smile and giggle that simply melt my heart. We adore our little man and the joy he brings us brighten our home so much!

As you will see in the pics he is almost impossible to catch a picture of sitting still!

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