Monday, August 19, 2013

11 months

Hard to believe that my little man will be one year old in less than a month! Party planning is in full swing :)

I feel like not much has changed for him this past month aside from a few milestones. He now dances by swinging his arms back and forth, he likes to put objects - lids, toys, spoons, etc in and out of other things - his trucks, the toy baskets, his highchair, etc, he eats off of a plate and/or bowl and is attempting to use utensils, he can climb down the stairs and get himself off the couch by turning around and sliding down. 

So those milestones were some biggy's for this past month but other than that - his routine, size, and little personality hasn't changed much. He continues to light up our world and loves loves loves his mama. He is starting to get a bit of a stinker though as he's beginning to arch his back when we put him in his car seat and when he's mad about something - so fun, isn't it?!

Will be sure to post pictures and such of his upcoming Dr Seuss 1st birthday!

Here he is at 11 months, and as you can see I couldn't keep him still for a single picture - he's a crazy one!

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet Preston, I miss you so much! What a sweet sweet little guy you are! I wish so much I could be there celebrating your 1st birthday soon! Love you little guy!
