Friday, June 29, 2012

28 weeks - 7 months

Tuesday marked week 28 - 12 to go! It's hard to believe I'm in my last trimester already. I feel way less prepared for our little man to arrive than I did with Lily at this point. We haven't had time to get his room put together, just this week I spent some time going through the clothes we have and making a list of things we still need, and we have yet to decide on a name! But, I know his room will come together quickly once we finally have some time together to do it, that we will agree upon a name before he's born, and that he will have plenty to wear once he arrives, but sometimes I just get impatient :)

I continue to feel pretty good. It's definitely been a bit more challenging with Jimmy gone lots and not having the break that another parent provides. But I have really enjoyed this special one on one time with my sweet girl and it's really made this pregnancy fly by!

I am continuing to workout which I think has been so good for me. It keeps my body loose and flexible and just makes me feel better. I continue to experience quite a few Braxton Hicks contractions in my back and my stomach but they seem to be less frequent. I had my glucose test last week and everything passed fine with that however, my hemoglobin was low so I have begun taking an iron supplement each day in additional to my prenatal vitamin. My doctor visits are now every 2 weeks instead of monthly which just seems so crazy!

I am definitely feeling more pressure than I ever did with Lily however the doctor has assured me that it's normal and to just continue to keep an eye on things. I am experiencing some signs of preterm labor and measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule but that may be because of the additional stress of being alone so much with a little one. Nevertheless we are paying attention to them and praying that little man stays put for several more weeks!

Other than that things are normal and good. While spending some time in his room this week, folding clothes, and washing crib sheets I continue to get more and more anxious and excited to meet our sweet boy. I imagine how different a boy will be than a girl, what the relationship will be like between him and Lily both at first and as they grow, I picture the joy and pure love I will feel the instant I set eyes on him, I think about nursing him and cuddling him, I can smell his newborn scent, and picture him all swaddled up swinging contently in his little swing. There are so many things I am looking forward to. I am anxious to see Jimmy and him interact and how that relationship will be different than a daughter/daddy relationship - both so unique and special. But I think most of all I am just thankful - thankful for a healthy pregnancy, thankful for a body that is able to carry and create a human being - what a miracle, thankful for a wonderful man to stand beside me in life and through parenthood, and extremely thankful that I will soon be a mother of two to a daughter and now a son.

And here's the growing bump....


  1. You and that sweet little boy are looking good! LOVE that headboard by the way...the color is fantastic!:)

  2. Looking great Jenna! I'm excited to watch your blog for little man's arrival :)
