Wednesday, September 5, 2012

38 weeks

Yesterday I was 38 weeks pregnant with our sweet boy.

Yesterday I also learned that if he does not decide to come on his own that they will induce me next Tuesday, September 11th. The end is in sight!!

We have talked about inducing at 39 weeks for the last couple weeks for a few reasons. 1. Baby boy may be a little big - via ultrasound he is measuring just a bit ahead of the curve so as a precaution a week before his due date would be a good thing. 2. I have had a rough last week of contractions, migraines, and stomach aches 3. My cervix is favorable as it has begun dilating on its own, which signficiantly decreases my chances of a c-section, even when induced. So all these things equals a happy mama and an official countdown!

As I mentioned this past week for me has been tough. The end of pregnancy is just hard on your body. My belly just feels so heavy and low! I have had several intense contractions off and on however, they don't stay consistent. I suffered through a very intense migraine for 3 days over this past weekend which is 100 times worse when you can't take anything to curb the pain! And on top of all that I had several flu like symptoms. Thankfully the migraine has subsided - thank the Lord - and my stomach ache has gone away as well. I am definitely to the point where I can't/don't eat much though. Contractions have become a little less consistent however, I definitely feel the pressure/pain/expansion of things "down there". 

So the plan is to see my doctor on Monday for a final check and then, as long as the hospital isn't too busy, we will go in at 9am on Tuesday to be induced.

I am so ready to meet our little man. I get so excited to think that a week from today he will be here and just as quickly as he comes it will feel like he has always belonged. I can't wait to see Lily interact with her brother and experience all the joys, and trials, of having a sibling! 

So next prego post will be delivery day - yeah!!

Here's pictures at 38 weeks......


  1. Yoohoo, can't wait for the big news! Bring on that baby boy!

  2. Good luck and can't wait to see pics of your little boy AND hear the name!
