Thursday, November 15, 2012

2 months old

Preston turned 2 months old on Monday, November 12th. While it seems like it's gone so fast, he seems like he's been a part of our family for much longer.

Yesterday Preston saw the doctor for his 2 month check up. He now weighs 14lbs 6 oz and is 24 inches long. He is growing like a weed! In the past 2-3 weeks he has really filled out and has turned into one of those chubby babies we all adore!

He is a very good eater although we've been doing mostly bottle feeding him with my pumped breast milk. For some reason he seems to eat better this way, seems to have less gas and just seems more content. This has also been much easier for me as we've transitioned to two and moved - the ability for others to feed him has been a God send! I'm not one that totally loves the breast feeding experience so I am ok with this too. However, I absolutely think breast milk is the best thing for baby, if you can provide it, so I'm just thankful that's what he's getting!

He is a happy baby that just enjoys attention, eating, and lots of love! He eats every 3-4 hours during the day and is still inconsistent with napping but he naps a long nap in both the morning and afternoon/early evening time. He usually goes to bed for the night between 9 and 10pm, sleeps until 3 or 4am, wakes up again at 6am and most days goes back to bed until 8:30am or so. However, the past few days he hasn't been wanting to go back to sleep after his 6am feeding - boo for mama!

He is wearing mostly 0-3 month and 3 month clothes but I think it's time to move him up!

He's been through the stress and dismay of us moving to a new home and weathered it just fine - he doesn't know the difference, right?!

We are going to switch him to cloth diapers in the next few days as well as move him into his crib - he's been sleeping in a pack n play in our room since he came home from the hospital. Lots of change in store my little man!

He smiles and is beginning to coo - I LOVE when they find their little voice! He has discovered his arms and legs and his little right arm just moves around all day long. His little face just lights up when you simply look at him - so sweet! I adore this little baby stage and love the times I do get to just sit and hold him - he is precious!

James Preston,
You are such a happy and easy baby and we simply adore you! You have been such a fun addition to our family and we look forward to a life full of happiness with you! Your little smile and coos make my day and I already can't imagine our family without you! You are a special boy and will always be your mama's little man!
We love you!

Now bring on the chub....:)

1 comment:

  1. Awww, look at the little chubby guy! He has changed so much. I can't wait to get my hands on him next week!!!!
