Tuesday, January 15, 2013

4 months

Preston turned 4 months old over the weekend and had his 4 month check up yesterday. Once again I'm blown away by how fast this time goes. I love love the baby stage, except for the getting up in the night part, and so it makes me sad to watch it go so quickly however, I love watching them learn and discover new things and explore the world around them.

He's a growing boy and continues to be a little on the chubby side - which I LOVE! Yesterday at his appointment he weighed in at 17 lbs and 5 oz and measured 25 1/4 inches long. That puts him in the 80% percentile for weight and 60% for height.

He seems to be doing so many new things this month too - playing with his toes (I personally think babies putting their toes in their mouth is just the cutest), playing with small toys, chewing on everything!, rolling over from back to front, moving from side to side lots and lots, and trying to sit up are some of the big ones from this past month.

He is still a pretty darn good baby. He loves to be held, what baby doesn't, but seems to be happy on his own for short amounts of time too. We are working on transitioning him to his crib from our room which is proving to be a process. It's so strange to me how a baby can know the difference between beds, how is that? He will be perfectly asleep, I will move him to his crib and eyes pop open and crying begins! Good news is he's doing all napping in his crib, unless we are out and about, so I know we will get there at night time too. 

He is still wearing 3-6M clothes and I may try some cereal and/or oatmeal this month as well. I didn't do much of it with Lily but may try it at night to see if he will get through a little longer at night. Just recently he has been waking up twice in the night instead of his one time, like he had before. I still won't complain about that but really miss that once a night only wake up :)

Other than that nothing much new with him - he continues to bring so much joy and fun to our household and lives. He is beginning to interact a little more with Lily and lights up when she comes to "play" with him. So fun to watch their relationship develop - I hope they stay little buddies for a while!

4 month pictures:

getting big!

all smiles

this one cracks me up

trying to sit up alone

and of course big sis had to get in one!


  1. Love those chubby leg rolls, can't wait to get my hands on those 2 little people next week! :)

  2. So cute! He's got a million dollar smile!
