Friday, May 17, 2013

8 months old

On Tuesday Preston turned 8 months old and what a busy month of development it was for him. He is doing so many new things it seems and is so much fun to have around!

He doesn't see the doctor until 9 months so I don't have a height and weight this month. But he's wearing mostly 9M clothes, a few 12M things and doesn't seem to be getting a whole lot bigger to me. Although now that he's on the move it may be going the other way. That's right, we have an official army crawler on our hands and boy is he fast!!

New this month for him is; army crawling absolutely everywhere - baby gates are on the agenda for the very near future!, his first word - which was dada! - he also says baba but not neccessarily in reference to his bottle, he loves to "talk" back and forth with you, clicking his tongue, sticking his tongue out - which is exciting for us as we thought he was tongue tied! but is showing great improvement on how far he can get that thing out :), waves and claps his hands, and loves to throw balls (and other toys).

He really is just getting more and more fun every day. I remember thinking that so often with Lily that "this is my favorite age" but that each one is exciting for different reasons.

He is still sleeping great. He sleeps through the night in his own crib - hallelujah! and takes two good naps during the day - one in the morning between 9:30 and 10am and one in the afternoon between 2 and 2:30pm.

He LOVES playing with Lily and when she gives him attention. He is such a people person too, just like Lily. He literally lights up whenever someone comes into the room and definitely enjoys being around people! He's still a big time mama's boy and definitely prefers me over anyone else. 

Other than that not much else happening with our little man. He truly is a delight and brings endless joy to our hearts and our family. So hard to believe that his first birthday isn't too far away!

on the move!

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