Thursday, August 11, 2011

3 months

My baby girl was 3 months yesterday!

Since we don't have a 3 month doctor's appointment I weighed her at the hospital yesterday while attending a breastfeeding support group and she weighed in at 15lbs 11oz compared to her 13 lbs 12 oz at her 2 month check - so she's definitely continuing to grow! No length for this month.

She is doing so many new things this month. She is talking lots and lots- she coo's all the time and just talks to anyone that pays attention to her. I think she is going to be an extrovert because her little face just lights up whenever someone talks to her. Although she is quite young for it I think she has begun teething.She's showing all the signs - drool, drool, drool and more drool, pulling on her ears, chewing on everything, fussy, and I think I'm feeling something beginning to poke through! She has started grabbing - she has begun to grab and play with little toys on her own, as well as my necklaces and hair! If I shake a rattle or little teething toy in front of her and place it in her hand she will grab it and go straight for the mouth. She has really been trying to sit up on her own, meaning whenever someone is holding her, she's laying down, or in her swing or carseat she lifts her neck forward and leans way forward like she's trying to sit up:) She is consistently sleeping through the night and has begun to show more of a routine nap schedule. We put her down at 9pm and she sleeps until 7:30 or 8am, then goes back down for a nap at 9am for a few hours and then again early and late afternoon as well as an early evening nap - she likes to sleep! She is still wearing 0-3M clothes but I think I need to switch to 3-6M as I've noticed some things getting snug.

She continues to be such a joyful and happy baby. She really is just so easy and we are incredibly thankful. Starting back at work last week there have been a few days that I've just spent the entire afternoon "playing" with her and feeling so blessed to have this special time with her. I could hold her and kiss on her all day long!

Here are a few of her 3 month photos - it's already getting harder to get her to sit still for these! Notice the chubby chubby thighs and arms - I love it - our little chunky monkey:)


  1. Happy Birthday sweet little girl! You are so beautiful, I LOVE your big purple bow!:)
