Wednesday, September 7, 2011

labor day

We enjoyed an extra day off (for me at least) this past weekend and enjoyed the extra time with family celebrating my dad's 55th birthday!

Jimmy has been putting in lots of extra hours at work lately and had to work ALL weekend which stinks but at least I got to enjoy the extra day off and spend some additional time with family.

Saturday my mom came into town and we spent some time together running a few errands - picking up Scratch cupcakes for my dad's birthday, trying out the new frozen yogurt place (not good!) and doing a few other things as well. It's really really great living back "home" and being able to just spend some time with my parents without planning ahead!

Sunday morning was an early start to get in a 8 mile training run. My training has been challenging thus far so I was very encouraged by a great long run with my sister - it's so helpful to have a running buddy - I wish I had one for my mid week runs as well! After the run I went back to my parents, since Jimmy had to work all day again, and spent the day there - mostly with my sister Jacinda just hanging out. Then Sunday night was party time! We had a get together to celebrate my dad's birthday with yummy food, Scratch cupcakes, and a motorcycle show from my 5 year old nephew, Devin :)

Here's a pic and video of Devin with his new ride - as you can hear we were a little nervous about him hitting the vehicles :)

Monday was a day of errands and relaxing since Jimmy had to work once again! He's in charge of a major manufacturing transition and its crunch time for the project so hopefully the work load will lighten up drastically in the next few weeks as I've been feeling like a single parent lately and not liking it one bit!

That's all for now - I realized I still haven't posted pictures of the basement so I will do that soon as well!


  1. Great video...will have to show that one to Asher, that will make him jealous for sure!:)
