Wednesday, September 14, 2011

repost: if & when

So I've re-posted a post from this girls blog before and I'm going to do it again but she is such a great writer and sometimes her words just hit home for me. I don't know her, she is one of those blogs I found off someone else's blog but I like it so I continue to read it. In this post she writes poeticly (is that a word?) about some of the current struggles of her life and how trusting in something so much bigger than us is the only thing she has to hold onto. While I'm not currently enduring these same struggles it is still so relevant. We must every day know that God "has our back" and has something so much bigger in mind for whatever the day may bring. We will face hard times and we will face wonderful times and He knows because He planned them all - such a solid truth to be reminded of! Anyways - here's her post - enjoy!

When trust in my job is shaken

and an expensive root canal is a must

and then a crown has to follow

and the tenant's air conditioner breaks

and the dog gets sick three weeks in a row

and the house falls away

and money has to go here

and there

and everywhere except back into the bank account

and the bank account dries up

and the to do list outweighs the hours in the day

and I can't catch a break

and the tears come unexpectedly

and they come more often

and doubt creeps into

my security

my marriage

my job

my plan

His plan

and the first eight months of the year have just been really hard

I settle into the fact that He knows what He is doing

and He is over it all

and He is on my side

and He is bigger than anything that could possibly come my way

because He is the Master of the earth

the Creator of my being

the Planner of my life

the Calmer of storms

and the Fighter of my battles

and at the sound of His name

He is there

always there

day and night

dark and light

so I stop

I just stop

stop overthinking

stop worrying

stop trying to control it all

and I just breathe

and trust

and rest in the very moment He has given me.

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."
{Exodus 14:14}


  1. What a beautiful post, thanks so much for sharing that! I LOVE that verse. Is it from The Message?

  2. Oh my Looney-how beautiful!!! You made Momma cry:) How very true-we need only to be still. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful post!!
