Wednesday, February 15, 2012

9 months

On Friday Lily May turned 9 months old. How is it possible that she will be 1 year old in just a few months?! The time literally flies by. Every day she looks older to me and gets more busy! I was out of town for work a few days last week and when I came back she really did look older.

She's still wearing 12 months clothes. This month she weighed in at 22 lbs 1 oz and measured 27.5 inches long. Still hasn't gained much weight in the last few months but is getting longer. She's still towards the top of the charts for weight and middle of the road for height. 

A big milestone this month is a tooth finally poked through! Lily has been working on teeth FOREVER, or so we've thought. Finally just within the last few days we felt it pop through the skin. The first one to show is the lower middle right one but I have a feeling more will be close behind.

She continues to pull herself up on everything, now getting into drawers and baskets - whatever she can get her little hands on, she walks around with her walker, has been feeding herself, "dances" whenever we play music or her toys that make noise sing to her, and is up to 3 meals a day and only 3-4 bottles. New foods this month included; broccoli, rice, potatoes, bread, oatmeal, chili, tomato soup, jello, chicken and turkey baby foods, noodles, grilled cheese, taco meat, and blueberries. She continues to be a good eater and likes most everything. She of course would almost always rather have what we are eating, and we let her try lots, but still stick to her baby foods, for the most part. She is becoming less interested in her purees and more interested in feeding herself everything.

She also spent her first weekend at Grandma's this month while Jimmy and I enjoyed a weekend away to Galena.

Other than that she continues to be such a happy baby, a little mama's girl, and the center of attention. She loves when others talk and interact with her and is always willing to put on a show.

We love you to pieces baby girl and each day love you more and more. We love watching you explore and learn about the world around you and always want you to keep learning. You lighten our lives in so many ways and we can't imagine our lives without you. 
Love you monkey!

As you'll see in the pictures it's getting harder and harder to keep this girl still!

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