Saturday, March 10, 2012

from 3 to 4 we will grow

On January 22nd one little word on a stick told us that our family would be growing from 3 to 4 this year! That's right, I'm pregnant!!

We are so thrilled, thankful, excitied, blessed, grateful....the list goes on and on of the feelings we already have for this unborn child in my belly.

The story of how we discovered I was pregnant and how I told Jimmy is quite uneventful this time around, no running outside the house in a towel or anything :) We actually had just ate dinner which was cheese stuffed pasta shells which were stuffed primarily with ricotta cheese. I am not a huge fan of ricotta cheese and almost immediately started feeling sick after eating them. However, I ate dinner, we went downstairs to hangout a bit before bed and it hit me, a wave of nausea - I tossed Lily to Jimmy and ran to the nearest bathroom where my dinner immediately came up. I came out of the bathroom saying something along the lines of  "hmmm I must really not have liked that ricotta tonight" which Jimmy followed with a suspicious smile saying "are you sure that's it? Maybe you should take a test...."

So later that night, before bed I peed on 1 of the 3 sticks we had in our bathroom cabinet and to my pleasant surprise read the words "pregnant" just a few moments later. I called Jimmy into the bathroom and he read the words along with me. Truly a miracle. We are so blessed.

As you may recall I have trust issues with those darn sticks and so I decided I would take 2 more tests the next day "just to be sure :)" Sure enough they told us the same story, "pregnant". So within the next few days I called the doctor to set up an intial appointment. Since I was still nursing Lily I had not gotten a period and therefore really had no idea how far along I was. I went in for blood work first, they then called me back to come in for an ultrasound. At the ultrasound they discovered I was 7 weeks pregnant! Which would have also explained the nausea and dizziness I was feeling the week prior while visiting my sister in Denver, CO! To me it's just funny that my body can be growing another human being for almost 2 months without me knowing it!

Yesterday we heard the heartbeat and it was a strong 150 bpm.
So here I am 13 weeks pregnant with #2. Baby is due September 18th and we are just thrilled!


  1. Congrats!! I knew that was the news based on your previous post:)

  2. Congrats Jenna! We are only due one day apart! I'm due on September 17th! How fun! Hope you are starting to feel better! :)

  3. Congrats y'all! We LOVE having Gabriela and Lilian so close together (17 months apart). I seriously cannot imagine spacing them out more. Yay for Miss Lily being a big sister!!! :)

    Now we just have to get together so I can meet your first before you have a second! How ridiculous is THAT!?! haha

  4. Oh yeah, oh yeah! So excited for you guys (and me too)!:)
