Monday, March 5, 2012

monday madness

It's been a week or so since I've had time to post - between busy travel schedules, a busy busy (almost) 10 month old, and a tired mama it just hasn't been top priority. So what's been happening lately? Here's a catch all of what's been on my mind lately.......another manic monday - enjoy yours.

1. My Story: Jimmy and I joined a new small group a couple months ago and in attempt to get to know each other better we are spending the first few months sharing our stories. And guess who is next? For some reason I've been thinking alot about this lately. Not neccessarily because I have some remarkable story or anything earth shattering to share but just because it allows yourself to be vulnerable. It's about sharing things in your past that have shaped you and your views of the world around you today, and for some reason that just makes me nervous. So I pray that I will have peace this week as I think about the things in my story worthy of sharing and how I will share them.

2. Warby Parker: have you heard of this website? If you haven't and you wear glasses you should. It's a company owned by the same guy that owns TOMS shoes and it's the same concept but for eyeglasses. The idea is that you buy one and they give one - for every pair of eye glasses they sell they provided sight in the form of surgery, new glasses, etc. to someone in need - cool huh?! Another awesome perk is that you can go online and pick 5 pairs of eye glasses to be shipped to your house and try on for absolutely FREE. You then have 5 days to try them out and see which ones you like best before ordering. I loved it, such a convienent thing for me, a mom with a little one, that makes it hard to go into an eye glass store and pick out new frames - nearly impossible. All frames are $95 too which is a steal!

3. Jimmy's Travel: So Jimmy has been traveling a lot for work lately. Now we both knew that was part of the deal when he took this job but it's getting old, really old. I'm ready for it to be done. September(ish) is the timeline so lets hope it comes quickly. China, India, Mexico, Georgia - you'll be fine without my husband :)

4. Lily: Lily is a busy busy girl. She is moving like crazy and changing so much right before my eyes - honestly I cannot believe she is almost a year old! Where does the time go?! I enjoy spending my days off and sneaking time to hold and kiss on her during my work days (one of the many perks of working from home) so much and never knew I could love a little lady so much. She keeps me on my toes that's for sure and most days leaves me completely exhausted largely in part to item #3 and hence item #5.

5. I'm Tired: Lately I have just been feeling tired and a little run down. By the end of the day I am so ready for some time to relax and do absolutely nothing. From 6am to 8pm I am in go mode and enjoy a cup of tea, a book in hand, or a mindless TV show on, while lounging by the end of the day!

6. Spring: I am so ready for Spring, actually Summer but Spring has to come first I suppose. I absolutely love warm weather and absolutely hate cold weather so this winter can't get over fast enough. Now I know we've barely had any bad weather this Winter but still, I'm ready. I'm ready to bust out the bright Spring colors in my home and in my closet and say bye bye to sweaters and Ugg boots! I'm ready to run outside with the sun shining on my face instead of bundling up to all ends just to go for a mile walk outside with Lily - what a pain!

7. March Madness: March is a busy busy month for our family. 3 of us 4 kiddos were born in March, one of my nephews birthdays falls in March, and our anniversary is in March which equals a busy month! This week is my brother and nephews birthday, next week is my birthday, the following week is our 2nd annivesary, and the following week is my sisters birthday - lots of fun busyness ahead celebrating birthdays and another healthy year! Woohoo! PS - I LOVE birthdays!

8. Party Planning: I have lots of party planning to do in the near future. We will have a busy summer this summer filled with weddings, reunions, birthdays, and maybe a mini vacay?! Beginning next month I am in charge of the following events - bridal shower for sister-in-law, May is Lily's 1st birthday party, June is sister-in-law's bachelorette party and my 10 year high school reunion, July is sister-in-law's wedding and a family trip over the 4th, followed by an August wedding, and 2 in September. Busy busy but lots of fun! I love party plannning and as long as I'm on top of everything and planning ahead everything should go as planned :)

9. Are you watching the Bachelor this season? I am and honestly I'm kind of annoyed by it and wish I wasn't. Lots of rumors floating around about who he picks, his intentions, her intentions, etc. and it's just a whole lot of unneccessary drame - but oh so entertaining?! Hence the perfect show to enjoy a cup of tea to and zone out while relaxing - #5!

And that's about it - random ramblings I know but that's what's been consuming this mind of mine the last few weeks. All that and one other biggy thing that will be shared later on this week :)

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