Thursday, May 3, 2012

20 weeks

I really cannot believe that I am already half way through this pregnancy!

We had a wonderful 20 week appointment  last Thursday week where we were able to see our healthy baby growing just fine inside my belly as well as discover that baby #2 is a BOY!

It's fun to think about how different it will be to have a boy and I am already loving looking at all the fun little boy things. Now we all know I am a sucker for hair bows, dresses, and everything pink but the thought of a little punk rock spikey haired boy is getting me just as excited!

We knew either way we would be thrilled. We know, God willing, we will have more children so it wasn't a case of "we really want a boy because then we will be done" it truly was us just hoping to see a healthy growing baby inside my belly and that we did.

I continue to feel good. My nasuea has gone away pretty much altogether but headaches have started to creep their way in! I had a few really bad, migraine type, headaches when I was pregnant with Lily and they are definitely not any fun. I'm someone who gets headaches frequently when I'm not pregnant but Excedrin usually takes care of them - unfortunately I can't take that when pregnant so I just have to deal with it. With Jimmy traveling alot this has been more of a challenge this time around while taking care of an almost 1 year old but I will take it compared to other symptoms some women deal with!

Other than that everything is good - I am starting a yoga and cycling class at the rec and I am looking forward to having that to keep me accountable for getting workouts in. It seems when Jimmy is gone that is the one thing that's easily put on the back burner but I know how important excercise is during, and after, pregnancy so I want to be sure and keep it up.

We have had just a few short conversations about names and although we may have a tough time agreeing on one :) I think we will have plenty we like to choose from, which is fun. And although Jimmy is a 3rd James in his family he has told me we do not need to name him James so we will, more than likely, use that as the middle name instead.

I have already started turning my wheels on his room - I really really love decorating and putting a room together so for me that's one of the best parts. I have already accumulated a few fun things and I'll keep you posted as it comes together. Think lots of fun bright colors :)

Anyways - that's about it for now. My weekly baby updates tell me he is about the size of a banana. He is very active and I love feeling him move inside me throughout the day. I'm anxious for the day that Lily will feel him as I know she's too little to comprehend what's going in - I still think that's something she would smile about.

That's all for now - until next month. Enjoy the pictures of the expanding bump (you can also, sort of, see my new short hair)!


  1. You're looking good! Not too big yet! I really, really like the's super cute! Can't wait to see it in person next week and hug that sweet little baby girl and BOY (it can't come soon enough)!!!!

  2. You do look ADORABLE!!!! I love how you decorate, super excited to see how you create little man's room:)
