Wednesday, May 23, 2012

brain dump

We have had lots going on around our house lately - house projects, busy work calendars, ramping up for Jimmy to be traveling lots in June-boo!, me getting ready for a work trip as well-boo!, doctor's appointments, garage sales, graduations, etc. So today is going to be a bit of a brain dump - what's been going on around our house lately. Some of them will have their own post later on but for now, this will do.

1. Garage Sale - last weekend I had my first garage sale. Our neighborhood was having a neighborhood garage sale, I had tubs of stuff I needed to get rid of so why not? Well....I didn't realize how much work they are! Luckily I had my mom to help me all weekend. My dad, Jimmy and mom got the tables Wednesday night - we got things set up that night, then opened for business Friday and Saturday. My mom, Jimmy's mom, and a friend put stuff in the sale as well to make sure I had enough stuff! And overall I'd say we did just ok. I wouldn't say I made enough money to neccessarily make it worth it but hey, it was a learning experience, right?!

2. Cleaning out the baby room - over the last week or so I've gotten a big spurt of energy and motivation to get going baby boy's room. I figured while I'm feeling good and motivated to do it I should do it. So, the closet is all cleaned out and new homes have been found for the things that were once there. The guest bed has been disassembled and moved into the now office/guest room, and just yesterday I went fabric shopping for an art project I am working on for his room - more on this to come....So his room is taking shape and it makes me really excitied.

3. I'm almost 6 months pregnant - that seems crazy to me and as I look at our schedule in the coming months I feel like the remaining 3 months are going to fly by! 6 month post with picture to come next week.

4. I celebrated my first mother's day this May - being a mom is truly indescribable and I will forever remember the day Lily made me a mother. More thoughts on being a mama in a later post.....

5. Doctor's Appointments - Lily was born with a 4-5mm hole in her heart and due to its location its called a VSD. Because of this we've seen a pediatric cardiologist when she was 6 months and then had a rather in depth appointment earlier this month once she turned 1 year. In short the hole is still there, it's the same size as it was when she was born and we will see the Dr again when she is 2. I've had such mixed feelings about this, while I know she is in wonderful hands and the Dr has assured us it is nothing to be too concerned about it just seems strange that she has a small hole in her heart. We continue to pray that it will close and that by next year this is no longer an issue. However, because of this we have a fetal echo for baby boy scheduled with the same cardiologist today. It's basically just an ultrasound that they do on me but are looking solely at the baby's heart to ensure there are no abnormalities or conditions they would want to know about before he is born. While I have no reason to believe that anything is wrong it still just makes me a little uneasy. So lots of prayers going up this morning as we await that appointment this afternoon. And then my usual 24 week check tomorrow. All of these on top of Lily being sick with a sinus infection and doctor's visits for that - so lately it seems we've spent a lot of time at the doctor.

6. My sister was here - my sister and her 2 boys were in Iowa in a few weeks ago. It was so fun having them here and being able to see them most every day and night for a bit. Her boys are full of energy and Lily loved trying to keep up! They were able to be here for her 1st birthday which was extra special and we so enjoy our time with them. Luckily, it's not too long before we see them next as we have a family trip scheduled over the 4th of July at a lake in NE.

7. Loving this weather - the weather the last few weeks has been so awesome. We have really enjoyed being outside and doing things that summer entails. Jimmy had Monday off so after our usual daily routine we took a late afternoon bike ride, came home and grilled out, and then went and got some Tropical Snow - that is such a summer evening to me and I love it! I've also made a committment to getting back on a regular workout schedule and with this weather it makes it pretty easy for me to get out and go for a run a couple times a week. I have also started a yoga/pilates class at the rec twice a week and am loving it!

Well that's about it for now - this is just some of what we've been up to lately - I have a list of posts I need to catch up on one of these days but this is at least the shortened version. First on the list is to post pictures and details of Lily's 1st birthday party! Fun Fun!

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