Thursday, May 31, 2012

24 weeks - 6 months

This week marks 24 weeks, 6 months, pregnant. Where has the time gone? I feel like it's been such a quick pregnancy. Although I'm sure the last trimester will be the longest as it seems to be the most uncomfortable, as I remember, it's still crazy that I am already this far along.

I am continuing to feel good - I get stomach aches quite a bit at night and my back has really been hurting when I get up in the morning. But we are having a new king size bed delivered on Monday so lets cross our fingers that that will help a bit! My headaches have gotten much better but the trade off is that I have begun having quite a few Braxton Hicks contractions where my belly gets really tight with some lower abdomonel pain but nothing too bad and it usually happens at night.

I had a good check up last week and it seems crazy that at the next one I will have the glucose testing and then start going once every 2 weeks already! It literally seems like it's gone so quickly.

Because of Lily's heart "condition" we had a fetal echo cardiogram conducted on this baby as well. I had that last week and thankful everything looks normal. They basically check to ensure that all the chambers, veins, and ventricals are developed and that the two "holes" that all babies have at this point were normal in size - which they were. So, at this point looks like this baby is in the clear. Even though the chances of this baby having anything wrong - 2-5% opposed to the normal 1% I was nervous leading up to this appointment. So we are very thankful for a healthy report and baby, that's for sure!

Other than that nothing new to share. I can definitely tell the belly is growing as it's becoming increasingly harder to bend over, carry Lily, climb the steps, change her diaper, chase her around, etc etc. In fact often times this past week while Jimmy has been gone traveling yet again! I have asked myself what we are thinking having them this close! And then I quickly remind myself that it is such a blessing and that it will be lots of fun as they grow and ares so close in age - right?!

And here's the belly in all her glory......

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