Tuesday, July 24, 2012

32 weeks - 8 months pregnant

Where has the summer gone? Although it's been unbearable hot and I've spent most of the summer alone due to my husband's crazy work travel, this summer has just flown by. This week I find myself counting down the weeks until this little man is due and that comes with so many mixed emotions. I plan to write a seperate blog about the life changes ahead and what's been on my heart lately but one of those emotions is definitely excited!

We are now only 8 weeks (hopefully less) away from meeting our second precious miracle. When Jimmy was back a few weeks ago for a whole week this time! we spent quite a bit of time on the baby's room. I can now pretty confidently - there are a few final details to complete - say that his room is ready! Clothes are folded, put away, and hung, diapers are bought (we will do cloth for him as well but plan to start out with disposable), the crib is put together and made, decorations are hung, and his room is ready for him. We also have spent quite a bit of time in discussion regarding his name. Which I think I can also pretty confidently say we have agreed on and I am in LOVE with! So I feel good about where things are at in terms of preparations.

We went on a hospital tour a few weeks ago and that really made things sink in a bit for me. I kept thinking through my birth experience with Lily and how it may be different, or the same, this time around. I thought about how different things will be since we already have a child and how her world will also instantly change. And I couldn't help but think about the joy and love I know I will feel when I see this little mans face and welcome him to our world. I am so ready for that!

It's no secret that I don't love being pregnant so I am also very ready for the physical part of carrying this baby to be over with. I know I won't miss getting out of breathe from climbing two flights of stairs, or just constantly sweating no matter what, or being hungry 24/7......

Although I must say I continue to feel pretty darn good so I shouldn't complain! I am continuing to workout a few times a week. I need to get back to my pilates class as I've missed recently due to schedules, work, etc. but I feel like being active for me is such a vital part of me feeling good. I am definitely more tired at the end of each day and feel like my belly is just HUGE! However, I find comfort in people telling me that I'm looking good and healthy - whether they are just saying it to make me feel good or actually believe it doesn't really matter, does it?!

So all in all I am feeling good and am anxious to meet our little man and expand our family from 3 to 4!

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