Thursday, July 26, 2012

one day

In the craziness of every day life, while reflecting on the past few months of playing the role of a single parent so often, and thinking about how too many times I am too quick to anger or grow impatient I have tried to remind myself of the following truths:

One day I will miss picking up random sippy cups filled with sticky juice ALL over the house.

One day I will miss the dirty hands that wrap so tightly around my neck and then graceful down my once clean clothes.

One day I will miss the sound of "mama" being said over and over again for no apparent reason.

One day I will miss going on paci hunts because we have seemed to misplace all 10+ of them once again.

One day I will miss strapping my baby into her carseat while she arches her back and cries because she just hates sitting in that thing.

One day I will miss pushing her in her little car up and down the street just a few times because 1. it's too hot for anything more 2. that's the extent of her attention span before she's climbing in and out every 2 steps and 3. because that's all it takes for me to get winded these days.

One day I will miss the way she only wants me when she's tired or hurt.

One day I will miss her constant babble in my ear while I'm trying to talk on the phone.

One day I will miss making up silly songs for every little thing we do just because it makes her smile.

One day I will miss picking up her toys and all the random things she's carried around the house throughout the day because she's still too little to do it herself. (although she has begun to help!)

One day I will miss her splashing water all over the bathroom floor during bath time just because she thinks it's funny.

These are just some of the things that so often get me frustrated or just make me tired. However, these are just a few of the things that I will miss in the not so distant future when my baby is too grown up to do them any more....


  1. Great list, Jenna!! I often think of these 'one days' as a mom. Someday I'm going to miss all these moments that frustrate me the most now. My ongoing 'one day'... One day I'm going to wish these boys were out of bed at noon!! (they're up by 6:30 most mornings!)

  2. Ahhh, I LOVE this. Thanks for the reminder, I really needed to read that today!
