Thursday, June 30, 2011

last weekend

If you can't tell I'm trying to catch myself up on blogs from the past few weeks, which includes an update from last weekend.

We had planned on buying some new furniture for this house once we got moved in and wanted to attempt to buy it all in one place all at one time. So, we took advantage of my parents heading to Des Moines for the weekend to stay at my sister's place and tagged along so that we could leave Lily behind while furniture shopping. So Friday night we headed down to Ankeny, stayed with my sister and brother in law then Jimmy and I hit the road bright and early on Saturday morning to Nebraska Furniture Mart in Omaha, NE in attempt of making a big purchase. Our plan was to buy a couch and 2 chairs for our upstairs living room to replace some furniture that my parents gave me 5+ years ago because they were updating their own furniture, find a BIG sectional for the basement where we plan to do most of our TV watching and movie viewing, and then some excercise equipment as well. We weren't completely sure what we wanted to get for exercise equipment but figured we'd decide when we got. Well, after spending 4+ hours at the store we successfully purchased everything we set out for. We went with a trendy/modern red leather set for the upstairs space, a dark brown modular sectional for the basement that allowed us to customize the size and pieces we wanted, and a treadmill, elliptical, and upright bike for our excercise space - so we are set!

I am so excited for the red furniture to arrive - I think it's going to add a lot of character to the space and will just be really fun. I also can't wait for our excercise equipment as that will allow me to get some additional workout time in while she's napping! I will definitely post some pictures once everything's complete - can't wait for all the pictures to be hung, furniture in place, and to resume some normalcy around here:)

Here's some pictures off the website of what we purchased for furniture!

So that was our day on Saturday and I must say after leaving Lily with my mom and sister for the entire day on Saturday I know I made the right choice in not going back to work full time. There is no way I could be away from her every day and drop her off at a daycare. These are 2 of the people I'm closest to and trust the most and I couldn't stop thinking about her!

Once we got back Saturday night we hungout for a bit before heading to bed early in prep for an early start to watch my sister do her first triathlon! It was the first one I've seen and it was really cool to watch. She did great - finishing about 18 minutes ahead of her goal and she said she plans on doing more. I'm not sure I have a desire to try them since I hate swimming and biking but we will see:) Then after her race we had lunch and then hit the road back home to continue on house projects, organizing, etc. and it feels like we've been doing it ever since. Soon it wil slow down - I just keep telling myself that!:)

So that was our weekend and we are looking forward to a long weekend with Jimmy this weekend and doing some boating with my family as well - I can't believe it's already July!


  1. The red is fantastic, I can't wait to see it in person!:)

  2. I'm pretty sure the brown sectional is the one we have? If not, it's very similar! I love it!:)
