Thursday, June 9, 2011


I know this post is about 4 weeks overdue but I am quickly learning that life with an infant is much more hectic than without. On top of having a new baby put moving states and being in between houses and there’s my excuse for not blogging lately!

Life with our babe is going wonderfully. She is settling into having us as her parents and we are getting used to having her as our babe!:) She was 4 weeks old yesterday – where does the time go! She is a very content little one, loves to look around at people and things, and is an awesome sleeper. I plan to write a one month post tomorrow so I won’t go on and on about her but we think she’s pretty special!

On the moving front we are officially back in Iowa and homeless. For the last 2 weeks we've been in limbo moving between my parents and the in-laws as we anxiously await the closing of our new home in Cedar Falls, which happens 1 week from today! We are incredibly thankful to have both parents close, willing, and able to let us crash with them for a few weeks until we get possession.

Our home in Springfield has also sold and we are waiting closing on it too - which happens next Friday. So lots of changes and lots of juggling between things currently - making sure paper work on all places is signed and ready, finances secured, packing and unpacking plans made, etc. The nice thing about moving with John Deere (and most large companies) is that they take care of physically packing and moving your stuff for you as well as unloading it at your new location. Believe me, if this weren’t the case I’d be a lot more stressed out! I am still unsure of how smoothly and quickly the whole unpacking process will go with a 1 month old but luckily we have lots of volunteer help that I’m sure we will be utilizing.

What else?

I am thoroughly enjoying my maternity leave and can’t believe it’s already a third over – I thought 12 weeks seemed like forever. But, I am so thankful I decided to go back only part time, I know that will be a great balance for me between being home and working full time and I’m looking forward to those flexible hours. 

My friend Bailey has a photography business,, and she took Lily’s “newborn” pictures on Monday. She showed me some as she went and they were so good – can’t wait to see, and post, some of the final products! I know for sure I want to do a large canvas in her room but not sure what other prints we will utilize in our new home.

New house - I can't wait to get in and start decorating and organizing our new home. Our new place is quite a bit larger than our home in Springfield so we will do some different things with the decor I have and probably need some new things too. Luckily my mom is great at decorating and is more than willing to help me out with our new place. I'm starting to brainstorm about paint colors, what we need where, what we will need to buy, and how I will organize things - is it crazy that I enjoy moving and setting up new places?!:)

I think that's all for now. I'll post Lily pictures tomorrow with her 1 month post and try and get some of our new place too, and I promise I won't take so long between posts next time!

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