Friday, July 8, 2011

pregnancy weight

Ugh - the dreaded pregnancy weight and the impossible task of getting rid of it is offically upon me! Why is it that so many people just drop their pregnancy weight by breastfeeding and going for a walk every now and then?! I officially despise those people:)!

So I don't want this to come across as a complaining post but I need to just vent about it because it's been a topic on my mind so much lately and quite frankly beginning to consume my thoughts! Please don't think that for one minute I would take back the baby I have as a trade for my old body back because I absolutely wouldn't - let me just vent my thoughts on this consuming topic for a few minutes and then I'll (pretend) I'm over it.

As you may recall I did not look at the scale throughout my pregnancy, because I have dealt with weight issues in the past I didn't want to make my pregnancy about that so therefore, I chose not to look at the scale during my doctor's visits. However, I did want to know what my "final" weight was the day I arrived to deliver, and lets just say it was a lot!:) Now total I only gained about 35-40 lbs but something about seeing that final number was just a shock. So, when I hopped on the scale a few weeks after having Lily and saw I was down 25 lbs from that weight I was pretty excited. However, I'm pretty sure that scale hasn't budged since then!

Now I know weight is just a number but it's not just about that number - I don't feel good about myself right now and I certainly don't like what I see when I look in the mirror or see pictures of myself!

So what to do about it?! As I've mentioned on here I have begun running again and for some reason I figured that would be enough. However, I'm quickly realizing that that may not be the case! Why does it have to be so darn hard for some of us? The funny thing is I know exaclty what I need to do - cut the sweets, watch what I eat a little (or a lot) closer, and add some additional things to my workout, easy right?! I wish!

So people I'm offically getting back on track with strict eating habits and exercise routine -hold me to it. This baby weight (plus some) has got to go!

Why can't we all just look like this? Don't answer that, I already know the answer.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain, a sad reality hit home today when I went into Eddie Bauer and bought 2 pairs of shorts...I was the youngest person there by probably 20 years or so!:(
