Monday, October 10, 2011

5 months

Today Lily May is 5 months old.

I feel like she has changed so much between the 4 and 5 month mark. She's becoming so much more active and talkative and for some reason I feel like once this little girl starts moving she's going to be a handful. When you hold her in your arms now or sit her on the floor she immediately leans as far forward as she can possible bend herself. New things for her this month are; blowing spit bubbles, "yelling" because she likes the sound of her voice, giving "kisses" - she opens her mouth really big and once it's all good and slobbery she shakes her head back and forth really quick across your face, she has gotten really attached to her mommy this month - so much so that at night I am the only one that can calm her down if she's upset, peek-a-boo - if you put a blanket over her face and say "peek" she will pull it down really quick and she has pulled the blanket over her face a few times too - I am still trying to catch this one on tape, interested in food - no matter what you have to eat or drink she wants it - we have not started any food with her yet but plan to next month, I think she will like it:), rolling from her back to her stomach - she was going the other way before but now can do both!, her first hike and long road trip - we drove out to Denver, CO this month and she was a trooper, all 12 hours! and while we were out there we took her on her first hike in the mountains - it was a bit chilly and rainy but she loved looking at all the trees, she also had her first cold and fever this month - that Nose Fridda sure came in handy - thanks Alli!

She has finally started to slow down on her weight gain a bit:) She weighs 18lbs 15oz compared to 17lbs 8oz at her 4 month weigh in. And she's getting taller - 27 inches this month compared to 24.5 inches last month.

I just packed away her 3-6 month clothes and all 3 month clothes. So she is wearing 6M, 6-9M, and some 9M stuff.

Up until the last few weeks she had been sleeping great. I don't know if it's her cold, teething, or just time for a change but she's been a little stinker about both her naptime and bedtime. Jimmy was gone traveling for a few weeks so I caved and let her sleep with me a few nights - maybe that's the problem! Regardless, I am hoping we get this straightened out real soon because it's hard on us all!
Lily May,
You continue to make mommy and daddy smile and feel so incredibly blessed every single day. You are such a happy happy baby - your little laugh and smile is so precious. What did we ever do without you?! It's so fun to just watch you play and discover the world around you - you are a very curious little one. We are so so blessed to be your parents and love you more than you will ever know baby girl! We love you!


  1. How can Lily May possibly be 5 months old already? She has blessed all of our lives in so many ways!! As you said, my Looney she is ALWAYS happy. Something that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that she does is to take your face in her 2 hands when you are holding her. I think she is going to be just like her mommy & daddy in loving people, wanting to spend time with them & get into their world. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving your Dad & I the gift of granddaughter #2- Lily May:) We love you!!
    PS- I love how you write & express your thoughts in your blog! It touches Momma's heart:)

  2. I can't stand those leg and arm rolls...I just want to kiss them! What a precious, sweet little girl! Lots of Love from Denver Miss Lily, we love you!!!!
