Friday, November 4, 2011


Last weekend my sister, mom and I spent the afternoon making homemade applesauce with my grandma. Last year we did apple buter and this year we decided to switch it up and do applesauce. I LOVE applesauce so I was really excited. We don't eat much apple butter - not that we don't like it - we just don't eat much bread so I knew applesauce would go much quicker at our house. My parents went to an apple orchard a few weekends ago and brought back tons of apples so that's what we used for our applesauce. The whole process was actually pretty easy - we peeled and sliced the apples, added a little water, a little sugar and let that come to a boil and simmer for a while. The boiling and simmering makes the apples breakdown and become the consistency of applesauce. From there we let it cool off and then put it in our containers. We got about 30 containers of applesauce out of 1.5 buschels of apples. So divided among us we got quite a few containers and I must admit we've already eaten 3 at our house - yummy yummy!

the apples boiling

getting them in containers

sister jacinda

grandma and mom

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