Sunday, August 26, 2012

service, obligations & priorities

I recently read a wonderful post from another blogger about her reflection on this stage of her life - one in which she finds herself still figuring out her identity as a career woman turned stay at home mom of 2 boys, one in which she enjoys doing social things and feeling like she's needed and belongs, one in which she loves to party plan, people please, and entertain. As I read her words I just found myself slightly shaking my head "yes" as these things are so very true of myself as well.

While I am just beginning the adventure of being a stay at home mom I am already finding myself thinking about the things I can do outside the home, ways to be involved, to serve, to help, to be engaged. And already I am asking myself "how much is too much?"

The honest reflections of this other blogger got me thinking about my own priorities, obligations and sense of service to my community, church, friendships, family, etc.

And as I question how much is too much I think I discovered that the answer in its simplest form is - if it affects your family in a negative way than it's too much. From an early age I was taught the importance of service to others, community, and church. That God calls us to be His light to the world and share the talents He has blessed us with to bless and love others. To show others what Christ like love physically looks like in a broken world surrounded with hurt, pain, angry, greed, etc etc. But, doesn't God also tell us time and time again to invest in our families, honor our husbands, and treasure our friendships? So how can we do it all?

I am quickly learning that you can't. That there are different seasons of life that allow you to do different things at different times. I am discovering that my #1 priority and commitment in this season of life is to my husband (will always be) and to my young child/ren. These precious babies are only little for a short time, they will only pitter patter around this house for a few years and I want to be here to enjoy them. I don't want to miss holding them in my lap while reading them stories, exploring the outdoors as they discover rocks and dirt, hide under blankets with them while they giggle endlessly, show them how to do a simple puzzle, listen to them babble and learn new words, watch them interact with little playmates - all these things are so very precious and if we consume ourselves with a busy schedule of to-do's, appointments, meetings, lunches, and other obligations outside the home how will we have time to enjoy them? I don't want to miss tucking my babies in at night because I'm at the church volunteering (I am by no means saying that volunteering at church is a bad thing!) or out to dinner with friends - which again, is NOT a bad thing! 

So when I find myself consumed with thinking of ways to keep myself busy, how I can please others in my life by volunteering for more responsibilities, or feeling guilty in church when they talk about serving and being involved I will remind myself of the importance of this season in life. Remind myself that there is no greater service, priority, or obligation than being there for my husband and my kids during these growing years of life.

There will be seasons later on in life when my kids are consumed with school and church activities of their own, and then even later in life when they are grown and have families of their own and those are the seasons in which serving can take up more of my time. But for now I pray for peace and contentment in nurturing the friendships I have established by always having time for a friend in need and loving on my husband and sweet babies every single day that I am able.


  1. AMEN! keep saying no. it is good:)you are saying yes in a different kind of a way!

  2. Another fantastic post full of wonderful thoughts and ideas. Thanks for sharing again! It's a good reminder when staying home seems LONG and hard sometimes.

  3. I love the word 'seasons.' It's my key word these days, too! This is my season to treasure my children in the stage they are in! There is no higher calling than what you are doing as a mom! Keep thinking... love it! And come back to visit again soon!!
