Thursday, April 12, 2012

11 months

Tuesday was Lily's 11 month old birthday.

I don't have a weight or height for her this month - we will have to get it at her 1 year appointment. This past month she has seemed more like a toddler to me than a baby :( On Easter she was with her two older cousins that are 3 and 6 and she just seemed to almost fit right in with them. While it's exciting to know she's growing and learning new things every day a part of me is sad to know that my baby is not so much a baby anymore and that time will only go faster as our lives change and so does she in the coming months.

New things for Lily this month include; mastering coming down the stairs (of course right when we get the baby gate for the top of the stairs!), she's working on the going up part but is doing well with that also, she can point to lips, nose and eyes when you ask her to, she loves to drink out of a straw - we have given her her camelbak since a young age but now she likes to drink out of any drink with a straw, she likes to "brush her hair" using my hairbrush, I painted her toe nails while she was eating in her highchair - so cute!, she likes you to "spoon" her - meaning she will turn so her bottom is facing you and wants you to put your arm around her :), she climbs into the basket containing the paper products in the pantry to pull things off the second shelf of the pantry, new foods were hot dog and strawberries and she loves both!

She is wearing 12 month clothes and some 18 month clothes. We have given up on the cloth diapers for a while due to issues with leaking and smell - still trying to figure it out and it's starting to annoy me! She is still taking 2 naps a day but that's usually a toss up, she either takes one really good nap or two short ones - we've been experimenting with one nap a day, we will see how that goes.

Other than that she continues to be incredibly happy, a good night time sleeper, and so fun to be around. She brightens every single day with her contagious smile and sweet giggles.

As you will see by the pictures it's becoming increasingly difficult to get a good picture of her sitting still because she is very busy but I think these still capture her little personality very well - enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. She's changing more and more every time I see pictures of her. Still looks like Jimmy but not as much (maybe some of Mommy is showing through these days)!:) Most of my friends who used cloth had to give them up around a year because of the same issues. I think they all found disposal much easier when the poops got bigger and more grown up!:) At least you have another little one who will be using them very soon.
