Monday, April 9, 2012

our easter weekend

We had such a fun fun weekend spending lots of time together just the 3 of us as well as catching up with some of my family yesterday afternoon.

Friday both Jimmy and I had the day off which was so nice. We enjoyed some extra sleeping in time with a little one cuddled between us in attempts of getting just a little more sleep :) Friday consisted of getting things done around the house we'd put off for a while, mostly little tasks just here and there. Jimmy left this morning for another long trip to China so we got out the honey do list and checked some things off before he leaves us for a while. Seems like those are the things that don't get done much during the week after long days at work, dinner as a family, and a little play time with Lily before we are off to bed, or conference calls in Jimmy's sake, for the night. Jimmy is currently working on a project based in China with lots of work coming from folks in India too so saying he's been working long hours is a total understatement. It's been a long and tiring journey for our whole family as he works LONG days and then has to hop on conference calls during the night due to the time differences in those two countries, most nights lasting from 11am-3am. He has been such a trooper and he does what he has to do to provide for our family and do exceptional work in this job but it's been wearing on him and we will all happily welcome a new assignment come this fall! Anyways - back to our Easter weekend.

Friday afternoon we had a checkup baby appointment with our OB then came home to spend some time with friends, Eric and Emily and their two kiddos who were in town for the weekend. It was great to catch up with them, see their kiddos, watch Lily play with their older girls, enjoy some pizza for dinner, and then we were off to meet some of my family for Good Friday Service at a local church.

Saturday was more time for just us - after a yummy breakfast at home, more home projects conquered, we let Lily dig into her Easter basket and boy did she enjoy it! She played with all her new toys and carefully inspected each item as she took it out of her bag. We then ventured out to run a few errands before going out for dinner at a local habachi grill - that may be my favorite food, so yummy! Then a quiet night in after putting Lily to bed. Jimmy and I snuggled up to watch a terrible movie "Young Adult" and eat half a container of orange sherbert ice cream. Isn't it funny how your idea of a good time together changes as your life stage changes and as you get older? 

lily's easter basket

she wasn't sure about the bunny ears

distracted by barbie

Then yesterday we attended church together as our own little family of 3 before heading over to my grandparents for Easter lunch. We of course had all the traditional Easter items - ham, potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, fruit, salad, and dessert. I was in charge of desserts this year and made a homemade Chocolate Chip Cheesecake and Triple Berry Cobbler - yum! We also had a little easter egg hunt for the kiddos - it was funny to watch Lily crawl from egg to egg and enjoy a little of their contents along the way. She also indulged in her first sucker, compliments of Grandma, and she really enjoyed that - so much so that she was very upset when mommy took it away!

our family of 3 - next year will be 4!

the easter bunny for the day

hunting for her eggs

getting out the cheerios :)

the kiddos eating their suckers
All in all we had a terrific weekend spent together as a family of 3 with some extended family time mixed in as well. We will definitely be missing Jimmy in the coming days and it's great to have weekends like this that remind us all what is most important in life. Celebrating our renewed life in Jesus and time together with family is what holidays like this are all about.

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