Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I have run 4 half marathons and 1 full marathon which pans out to be a “big” race every year since 2005, except for this year.
In 2005 I ran the Dam to Dam half marathon in Des Moines in 2:02, in 2006 I ran the Dam to Dam again in 2:05, in 2007 I ran the Des Moines half marathon in 2:13, in 2008 I ran the Raleigh half in 2:19, and last year I ran the Chicago marathon in 5:28. I found pictures from the Raleigh and Chicago but couldn’t from the others….
Raleigh 1/2 Marathon 2008

Chicago Marathon 2009 - ready to go

Mile 5 or 6, I think

Rounding the corner to the finish line!

This year I was 6 weeks into training with Jimmy for the Des Moines half marathon and we found out I was pregnant. I can honestly say one of the top 5 things that popped into my head after peeing on the stick was, “I wonder if I can still run the half?”
Well my doctor quickly responded to the above question with a “No”. Bummer. For a while we toyed with the idea of a run/walk or running the 5K instead but ended up deciding to just be the cheerleaders. You see my mom, sister Jacinda, and brother in law Clint, were all running the half along with 100+ other runners on the team “Iowans for Africa”.
My mom and I ran the Chicago marathon together last year as part of this same team and we raised money to build water wells for the people of Africa. Last year the team was about 85 people that all ran the full marathon. Some had run several marathons, others had never run in their life, and others would consider themselves runners but had never run a full marathon and just enjoyed doing it, like me. My mom and I had a wonderful wonderful experience training with this group of Christ followers that believed in something bigger than ourselves and were willing to run 26.1 miles for it!
So I must admit I was a little disappointed this year when I discovered I would not be running with the team again. This year the team had more than doubled in size and was raising money to build a school in Mozambique Africa – what another great cause! However, I must say that sitting on the spectator side of the fence was pretty great too! Countless times I found myself wiping tears from my eyes for a couple reasons:
1.   I’m pregnant so I cry much easier these days
2.   I continually recalled my own experience of running the marathon last year and running my first half marathon and the sense of accomplishment and pride that comes along with doing it.
3.   I thought of the children in Mozambique that majority of the 100+ runners will never meet but said yes, I will work my butt off all summer training to run for you so that you may have a building to attend school in, instead of gathering under a mango tree.
4.   I was so proud of my mom, sister and Clint for running their first ½ marathon.
While my mom had run the full last year she had never done a ½ before and before the full wasn’t much of a runner but has fallen in love with the experience and the feeling of closeness she has with God will running (the same exact things I love about running). Jacinda has never been a runner either. She has always worked out a lot but not necessarily by running and definitely not long distances. Same with Clint, Clint was a high school and college athlete but never saw much point in running just to run (much like Jimmy). Yet they were willing to take on the challenge and endure 13.1 miles. And while Jimmy and I weren’t able to run Jimmy committed to training and running the race with me. Jimmy absolutely hates running and I didn’t really get that until we started training. Every run we did he dreaded yet he was doing it for me because I asked him to and he wanted to support me in something I love to do.
Aside from the tears, race day was beautiful. They had great weather and we had a lot of fun cheering them on. My aunt Angie and cousin Sarah also ran the race so we had quite the entourage. My uncle Randy, cousins Johnny, Kristina and Danae, my brother and sister in law Nick and Kristle and niece and nephew Devin and Eden, my dad, Clint’s parents, and Jimmy and I were all there for support. We made signs and goodie bags, bundled up the kiddos, loaded up the stroller and enjoyed a Sunday at the race!
My goal is to run the half next year and hopefully I can convince my mom and maybe Jacinda to do it with me. I guess my dad is even considering it! It may be a stretch having this babe in May and running that distance the beginning of October but that’s the goal! I haven’t been able to run much during my pregnancy because I have to keep my heart rate below 140 and it seems to be pretty high when I run, but I do go for a run/walk several times a week and I’m hoping that will help when I hit the trail running again this SpringJ

So congratulations again to all the runners of the DM half and full marathon. Mom, Jacinda and Clint I am so proud of you and I was glad I could be on “the other side of the fence” this year.
Ready to go

with their signs

the kiddos mid chew munchin on some muffins:)

home stretch - mile 11 or so

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