Sunday, April 24, 2011

39 weeks

7 days and counting. We are officially in waiting mode and excited that it is so soon. I don't think there's much to update from this past week. I will post another update after our appointment on Tuesday and let you know if I've progressed at all - lets hope so!

Jimmy and I missed our families this weekend as they celebrated Easter in Iowa but we were able to attend our church here in town and hit up Buffalo Wild Wings for an Easter lunch!:)

I continue to feel baby move although it's obvious she's running out of room. We pray every day for a healthy baby, a healthy delivery, a clear sign that "it's time", safe travel for our families when it's time, and for our journey to parenthood!

So until it's time I'll keep you posted - have a good week!

Latest email update & photo:
Hang in there -- you're almost done! Predicting a due date isn't an exact science (and can make for some pretty lucrative wagering), but there are definite signs that the time is near. Look for the bloody show, the passing of the mucous plug, diarrhea, nausea, energy spurts, contractions, and breaking of the water.


    I know you are SO ready to have little miss but you are SO BEAUTIFUL Jenna Kristina!! I can see you again have dropped-you must be very uncomfortable but try to treasure these last few days/these last few moments. Never again will you be going through this for the "very first time". Never again will you feel her movements so "one" with you. Your Dad & I are praying for you & Jimmy each & every day, Jenna! You will soon hold her in your arms & wonder "how did we ever live without her:)" Momma loves you to the moon & back with all the stardust in between!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh Buddy!! I may or may not be tearing up a little bit right now.. I'm just so happy! You are so beautiful, and I absolutely cannot wait to meet the little miss! She will be beautiful as well, obviously =P I miss you both very much and can't wait to see you and the soon-to-be new member of the family! Love you!

  3. They are right Jenna, you look wonderful. I know you don't feel it, I was just in your shoes and know it's a very hard time on your body and patience as you wait. Get as much sleep as you can right now, it will be a bit harder when she's here (ok, a lot harder)!:) Can't wait to hear your big news when it's finally time!:) Love you!
