Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So we had our weekly doctor’s appointment yesterday and she checked me for the first time. Turns out I’m approximately 60% effaced and just barely dilated. Better than nothing, right?! My doctor assured me that those measurements really don’t tell her much as every woman’s body is different and that I could go into labor today or it could be 2 weeks from now. She said she does look at dilation as an indication of how my labor will progress and/or how long it may be. Meaning, if I were to go into labor today and have barely started to dilate, labor may be a whileJ however, she’s known woman that dilate from 0-10cm in no time so it really does just depend. And since this is my first baby we aren’t sure what to expect from my body. So, I’m taking the news for what it is – trying not to get too anxious, disappointed, or excited about it and just remain patient. I keep praying that God will make it clear to me when “its time” and until then enjoy the kicks inside of me that only I can feelJ

1 comment:

  1. Yes, even though your body is feeling very ready the closeness you feel to Little Miss is very special and only shared between the 2 of you...that will never happen with her again!:)
