Thursday, April 28, 2011

picture this

So being just a few days shy of 40 weeks pregnant attractive is definitely a defining trait that went out the window when thinking of myself quite a while ago. But picture this and I'll spare you a photo for this post:)

So tonight I'm sitting on the couch with a shirt that's about 4 inches too short for me and pants that I have to fold down under my belly because it just rubs the wrong way. So the bottom few inches of my belly are hanging out, resting on my thighs becaus e its so huge. Then there are my boobs. I have forgone wearing a bra unless absolutely neccessary so my boobs pretty much rest on my huge belly. So, huge belly resting on thighs, huge boobs resting on my huge belly - hot I know. Then top off the picture with a piece of chocolate cake and a glass of milk in front of me and now you've pictured me this evening in our living room.

I'm sure glad my husband loves me as much as he does because this is definitely not an attractive picture - it just can't be:)

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! The best part about it is that there's no one in the world that cares what they look like or how they eat at the point in pregnancy that you have hit!:)
